Exemptions from drug and alcohol management plan (DAMP) requirements

There are a number of exemptions related to drug and alcohol management plans (DAMPs).

Drug and alcohol management plan exemptions

We provide the following exemptions for the implementation of DAMPS:

  • micro-businesses - CASA EX56/23 (sections 4-7)
  • DAMP organisation contracting employees from another DAMP organisation and DAMP organisation contracting emergency services personnel during an emergency - CASA EX56/23 (sections 8)
  • DAMP organisation contracting employees from a non-DAMP organisation - CASA EX112/21.

Some organisations and employees are exempt from some of the DAMP requirements.

If you have any questions about DAMPs, exemptions and reporting, contact us.


If your organisation is a micro-business you may choose to adopt this exemption. This means formally adopting our standard DAMP template instead of creating your own. You must meet the requirements in CASA EX56/23.

You can read more about how to apply for micro-business exemptions from drug and alcohol management plans.

Contract other DAMP or emergency organisations

Under this exemption you can:

  • contract employees from another DAMP organisation without having to apply your DAMP to the contractors
  • contract emergency services personnel during an emergency without having to apply your DAMP to the contractors.

You can read more on the contracting other DAMP and emergency organisations exemption page.

Contract a non-DAMP organisation

You can contract a person from a non-DAMP organisation to do SSAAs without having to apply your DAMP, as long as the non-DAMP organisation has a DAMP-like program that covers the contractor.

DAMP-like programs must be approved by CASA.

You can read more on the contracting a non-damp organisation exemptions page.

Bi-annual Reporting to CASA

This exemption means that you don't need to give information to CASA every 6 months as previously required. Instead you must retain records for compliance purposes and these may be requested by CASA at any time.

You don't need to apply for this exemption, but you must meet the requirements in CASA EX92/23.

Collecting and screening specimens

If you're based outside a capital city you don't need an accredited collection agency to collect oral fluid and urine samples for drug testing. Breath testing for alcohol is not included in this exemption.

You don't need to apply for this exemption, but you must meet the requirements in CASA EX43/22.

Benefits of this exemption

  • If you're a DAMP organisation you may collect body samples to test for the presence of drugs if there is limited or no access to an accredited testing laboratory due to the remoteness of your area. For example, drug testing under suitable test conditions following an accident or serious incident.
  • Your DAMP organisation may use a doctor, nurse, trained collector, or other capable person, as long as they have evidence of appropriate training in the oral fluid and urine standards for collection and screening and body samples as mentioned in the instrument.
  • The collection of oral fluid body samples, and collection and on-site screening of urine body samples may be conducted at a local hospital by an appropriately trained medical professional, trained collector, or other capable person who has completed training under the applicable standards.

Drug and alcohol tests done before an employee starts working with you

If you're hiring someone to do SSAAs, you can accept pre-hiring or pre-deployment drug and alcohol test results that have been obtained within the preceding 90 days.

You don't need to apply for this exemption, but you must meet the requirements in CASA EX17/23.

CAR 30 and Part 145 organisations operating overseas

If you're engaged in aircraft maintenance overseas you don't need a DAMP if:

  • you're the holder of a certificate of approval under CAR30
  • you're a Part 145 organisation
  • you meet the requirements in CASA EX86/23.

This means that you're DAMP for use inside Australian territory doesn't need to be applied to your operations outside Australian territory.

But if you operate partly inside and partly outside Australian territory you must have a DAMP for your Australian operations.

Information you need to provide for the exemption

You must notify CASA in writing about the measures you have in place to manage the risks of alcohol and drugs to the safety of your operations. This should be part of your company policy documents.

If your organisation in only based overseas you must have documented procedures that details your organisation's management of people performing SSAA that may be influenced by alcohol or drugs.

These procedures must detail how your organisation will ensure that a person performing SSAA is not affected by:

  • alcohol
  • a testable drug that could affect their SSAA performance in a way that could affect the safety or air navigation.

You must notify us in writing within 28 days of implementing the measures.

Foreign air operator's certificate holders

Foreign air transport operator's certificate holders don't need a DAMP if they don't engage in domestic air navigation within Australia.

You don't need to apply for this exemption, but you must meet the requirements in CASA EX18/23.

Last updated:
27 Sep 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//operations-safety-and-travel/safety-advice/drug-and-alcohol-management/drug-and-alcohol-management-plan-exemptions/exemptions-drug-and-alcohol-management-plan-damp-requirements
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