Micro-business exemptions from drug and alcohol management plans

A micro-business is a drug and alcohol management plan (DAMP) organisation that is both:

  1. not engaged in and doesn't provide scheduled air transport operations
  2. has no more than 10 regular employees who:
    • are reasonably likely to perform safety sensitive aviation activities (SSAAs) at least 2 or more times every 90 days
    • are available to perform a SSAA.

Applying for the micro-business exemption

If you want to apply for the micro-business DAMP exemption you must:

  1. read the conditions of the exemption under CASA EX56/23
  2. fill out the CASA Micro-business DAMP. This signifies that your organisation has adopted the agreement as part of your documented procedures
  3. all SSAA employees and DAMP supervisors must complete our Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) training.

Within 14 days of adopting our DAMP you must also:

  • submit the signed copy of the micro-business DAMP and your organisation's Form 008 DAMP contact officer
  • ensure all SSAA employees and DAMP supervisors have completed the AOD training. You need evidence of completion for auditing.

We will then issue your organisation with a formal letter of acknowledgement of receipt of your micro-business DAMP.

If you have any questions about DAMPs, exemptions and reporting, contact us.

Last updated:
1 Jun 2023
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//operations-safety-and-travel/safety-advice/drug-and-alcohol-management/drug-and-alcohol-management-plan-exemptions/micro-business-exemptions-drug-and-alcohol-management-plans
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