Apply for beyond visual line-of-sight approvals

To fly beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS), you must have a:

The requirements

To apply for a BVLOS flight authorisation, the chief remote pilot must:

Specific operations risk assessment method

You can apply using the specific operations risk assessment (SORA).

The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) developed SORA. We adopted SORA in 2017.

In December 2022, JARUS published SORA 2.5 for public consultation. We anticipate CASA will provide an update on the transition to SORA 2.5 in late-2024. All applications must continue to use the SORA 2.0 until this time.

Apply using a specific operations risk assessment

You must submit your application based on the JARUS SORA (Package) and Standard Scenarios(JAR_doc_09).

You should familiarise yourself with the:

If this is your first JARUS SORA application, you may wish to arrange a pre-application meeting to discuss the process. You can request a pre-application meeting through the enquiry form.

BVLOS standard scenarios

We have developed a suite of standard scenarios that you can use to apply for BVLOS operations with common characteristics.

For applications that meet the operational characteristics of one of the scenarios you may apply using the standard scenario applicant response:

When completing your application please refer to:

Expiring BVLOS flight authorisations

You cannot renew BVLOS flight authorisations. You must submit a new application. It is recommended to submit applications at least 90 days from the intended commencement date.

BVLOS exam for remote pilots

The BVLOS exam is for RePL holders wanting to fly BVLOS outside of controlled airspace (OCTA) for an authorised ReOC holder.

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Last updated:
15 Dec 2023
Online version available at:
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