Security requirements for pilots

The Department of Home Affairs is Australia's security regulator for aviation. They also administer the Aviation Transport Security Regulations.

Under these regulations, all current pilots must have an aviation security status check. You will also need an aviation security status check if you're applying for a flight crew licence.

To get one of these checks you will need to apply for either an:

Applying for an ASIC

You need an ASIC if you're flight crew flying at a security controlled airport, or a pilot under the age of 18. It allows you to operate at any airport in Australia.

You can apply for an ASIC through any of the ASIC issuing bodies listed on the Department of Home Affairs website.

We no longer issue ASICs.

Applying for an AVID

An Aviation Identification (AVID) is more restrictive. You cannot use an AVID at security-controlled airports. To apply, you must:

  • be 18 years or older
  • have a Part 61 Flight Crew Licence issued by us (or be applying for one)
  • have a current aviation medical.

Applications will usually take between 4 and 6 weeks to process and cost $126.

To apply for an AVID, use Aviation identification application form 499 (PDF, 421 kB).

Last updated:
28 Jul 2023
Online version available at:
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