Access eLearning (AviationWorx)

AviationWorx is our online learning system for the aviation industry. You can access eLearning modules and other CASA training through myCASA.

Accessing AviationWorx

You can access AviationWorx through myCASA. Before starting any eLearning check that your contact details in myCASA are up to date.

If you don't have a myCASA account, you will need to create one. You must have an aviation reference number (ARN) to access AviationWorx.

System requirements

Compatible internet browers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari.

AviationWorx training and technical support

AviationWorx allows you to access training videos to assist you in using the system.

AviationWorx 'How to' guides

A range of support videos for users are available in the AviationWorx system. These are automatically assigned to all users and can be accessed through your Goal Centre.

If you cannot print a certificate of your completed goals

On the Goal Centre, click on the 'completed’ button. This will display all of your completed goals. To the right of each goal is an icon. When you click on the icon, the certificate will open in a separate window that you can print or save as a PDF.

Note: Requires Adobe Reader to be installed.

If you cannot access the next page of your eLearning — the screen has frozen

Log out of AviationWorx and close down all of the windows of your browser. Re-open your browser and log back in to AviationWorx to proceed.

Contact us if you need further assistance or technical support.

Last updated:
29 Apr 2022
Online version available at:
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