Remote pilot licence

Anyone can apply for a remote pilot licence (RePL), but you only need one if you want to:

You do not need a RePL if you're:

The requirements

If you have your RePL, you can:

  • work as a remote pilot for an individual or business that holds a ReOC, or apply for your own ReOC
  • fly a drone more than 25 kg but not more than 150 kg for commercial purposes over your own land, without a ReOC.

Your RePL will show the type and weight category of drone you can fly. This includes:

  • less than 7 kg
  • less than 25 kg
  • less than 150 kg (type specific ratings only)
  • more than 150 kg (type specific ratings only).

A RePL does not expire. There is no minimum age to get a RePL.

Medium RPA flown over your own land

You can fly a drone weighing more than 25kg but not more than 150 kg over your own land for business or as part of your job. This is provided you do not accept any type of payment for the services.

This is the landowner or private landholder excluded category. You do not need a ReOC to fly a drone in this category.

Examples of the types of operations you can do under this excluded category include:

  • aerial spotting
  • crop, livestock or equipment inspections
  • land surveying
  • agricultural operations
  • carrying cargo.

You must:

Get your RePL

To get a RePL, you must follow these steps.

  1. Get an aviation reference number (ARN)

    You can apply for your ARN through our myCASA portal. You need to create an account if you haven't used the myCASA portal before.

    Learn more about applying for an ARN.

  2. Find a certified RePL training provider.

    Use our search centre to find a relevant training provider. You can search for both the operation (practical) and theory components of your course.

  3. Pass the required theory component

    You will need to pass the theory component of the RePL training course.

  4. Pass the practical skills component

    You will also need to pass the practical skills part for the type and category of RPA you intend to fly.

If you pass, your RePL training provider will apply to CASA for your RePL on your behalf.

If you want to fly in controlled airspace, you'll also need an aeronautical radio operators licence (AROC). An AROC allows you to broadcast over VHF radio aviation frequency with other pilots, engineers, air traffic controllers or emergency workers in the area.

It is now mandatory for any drone you fly for business or as part of your job to be registered with us. Check if your drone is registered before you fly.

Recognition of aviation experience

You can get recognition of your aviation experience if you have either:

  • passed the theory part of any Part 61 flight crew licence (for example, PPL, CPL, ATPL or RPL)
  • an equivalent military qualification or air traffic control licence.

Recognition of your experience means you don't need to sit the common theory component of a RePL training course. However, you may need to sit the RPA specific theory and pass the RPA specific theory examination.

Follow these steps to get a RePL with prior aviation experience.

  1. Find a certified RePL training provider

    You’ll need to find a certified RePL training provider who offers courses to recognise prior aviation experience. You must provide them with evidence of your prior aviation experience.

  2. Pass the required theory component

    You may need to sit the RPA specific theory and pass the RPA specific theory examination (if applicable).

  3. Pass the practical skills component

    You will also need to pass the practical skills component for the type and category of RPA you intend to fly.

  4. Log 5 hours of flying your RPA

    You must log 5 hours of flying your RPA under the standard operating conditions.

    If successful, the training provider will apply to CASA for your RePL on your behalf.

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Upgrade your RePL

Upgrade to higher weight class

You can upgrade your RePL to a higher weight class (type) within an existing category. For example, you can upgrade from small to medium multirotor class. To upgrade your RePL follow these steps.

  1. Find a certified RePL training provider

    Use our search centre to find a RePL training provider. Not all training providers offer courses for each RPA weight class and category.

  2. Pass the practical skills component

    You will need to pass the practical skills component for the type and category of RPA you intend to fly.

  3. Provider applies for higher weight class to your RePL

    If successful, the training provider will apply to CASA for your RePL upgrade on your behalf.

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If you can’t find a certified RePL training provider who can provide training for the higher weight class, complete the RPA flight test web form to request a CASA flight test.

Upgrade to new category

You can also upgrade your RePL to a new category. For example, you can add aeroplane category to a RePL approved for multirotor RPA. To change categories for your RePL, follow these steps.

  1. Find a certified RePL training provider

    Use our search centre to find a RePL training provider. Not all training providers offer courses for each RPA weight class and category.

  2. Pass the required theory component

    You must sit the RPA specific theory and pass the RPA specific theory examination.

  3. Pass the practical skills component

    You will need to pass the practical skills component for the type and category of RPA you intend to fly.

  4. Provider applies for new category to your RePL

    If successful, the training provider will apply to CASA for your RePL upgrade on your behalf.

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Beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) privileges

The BVLOS exam is for RePL holders wanting to fly BVLOS outside of controlled airspace (OCTA) for an authorised ReOC holder.

Download your RePL

Once you get your RePL, you can view and download your licence using myCASA.

  1. Sign into your myCASA account

    Using your iPhone or Android, sign into your myCASA account. 

    Learn more about creating your myCASA account. 

  2. View your remote pilot licence details

    Navigate to 'Licences and authorisations' in your myCASA account.

    Select 'Remote pilot licence (RePL)'.

  3. Choose to download licence

    Select to either download to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay.

  4. Read guidance and save to digital wallet

    Read through the guidance on using the digital licence.

    Select the 'add to Apple Wallet' or 'Save to phone' button.

    Your licence will then load into your Apple Wallet or Google Pay.

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Contact us

Have a question? Need help?

You can contact us through our online enquiry form.

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Last updated:
15 Dec 2023
Online version available at:
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