Rules and regulations for aerodrome operations

Below are some of the regulations that affect aerodrome owners.


The Civil Aviation Act 1988 doesn't have a specific section related to aerodromes. But the Act forms the basis of the regulations and how we enforce them.


Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASRs)

The CASRs have a number of parts. Each part may have the following supporting documents:

  • Manual of standards (MOS) has standards prescribed by us. They have a uniform application and are necessary for the safety of air navigation.
  • Advisory circulars (ACs) provide recommendations and guidance. They aren't the only means of complying with the regulations. The advisories may explain certain regulatory requirements by providing interpretive and explanatory material.

Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CARs)

CASRs will replace Civil Aviation Regulations (CARs). Refer to both sets of legislation until all we replace all CARs.

The following documents support the CARs:

Other acts and regulations

Other acts and regulations are available through the links on the aviation legislation page.

Last updated:
15 Dec 2023
Online version available at:
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