ECG guidance for DAMEs

Designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs) perform electrocardiograms (ECGs) as part of our medical examination when conducting an aeromedical risk assessment.

A DAME may also conduct an ECG when they believe there is a medical reason to perform one. For example, a pilot has recently experienced chest pain.

We have updated our procedures to allow DAMEs to record their interpretation of the applicant's ECG that's consistent with our Aviation Medicine section's guides. DAMEs can update the records with either:

  • normal/acceptable CASA variation
  • abnormal.

Features and benefits of the updated procedures

These updated procedures help DAMEs in their evaluations of ECGs in aviation medical assessments. The procedures also:

  • enable accurate aeromedical risk assessment
  • aim to provide guidance to DAMEs and assessors regarding acceptable variations in ECG results
  • provide a sample of abnormal ECG findings.

The procedures help promote consistent evaluation and interpretation of ECGs during aviation medical assessments, ensuring aviation professionals' health and safety while maintaining regulatory compliance.

Our staff in the Aviation Medicine section will review all abnormal ECGs and provide specific case by case guidance as to next steps for certification.

Read our Clinical Practice Guidelines for more information.

Last updated:
22 Aug 2023
Online version available at:
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