Contracting a non-DAMP organisation exemptions

An organisation not listed under regulation 99.030 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 is not required to have a drug and alcohol management plan (DAMP). This may also apply to DAMP contractors if not a type listed under Part 99.

However, some of these organisations have developed a DAMP-like program as part of their own organisation's safety requirements. These organisations are called non-DAMP organisations.

DAMP organisations contracting with non-DAMP organisations

You can contract a person from a non-DAMP organisation to do safety sensitive aviation activities (SSAAs) without having to apply your DAMP, as long as the non-DAMP organisation has an approval for a DAMP-like program that covers the contractor, and that program has been approved by us in writing.

Getting the exemption

DAMP organisations don't need to apply for this exemption, but must meet the requirements under CASA EX93/23.

Non-DAMP organisations

As a non-DAMP organisation your DAMP-like program will need to be assessed and approved by us. This is to ensure that it meets CASR subpart 99B. The same standard applied to all DAMP organisations.

Applying for an assessment of your DAMP-like program

To apply you need to complete the Approval of Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP)-like program. You will also need to provide all documentation and information detailed in the form.

Once we have received your application, we will provide an estimate of the assessment cost. Once the fee has been paid your application will be assessed and if your application is successful we will send you an instrument of approval for your DAMP-like program.

Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about DAMPs, exemptions and reporting.

Last updated:
6 Oct 2023
Online version available at:
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