8.1 Conditions and endorsements

Whenever appropriate, CASA (or DAME delegate for Class 2 certificates) places a condition or conditions of use on an applicant's medical certificate(s) which influences the validity of the medical certificate(s). Multiple conditions may be placed on a medical certificate, and different conditions may be placed on different classes of medical certificate held by an individual.

Conditions must be placed on the medical certificate. Where potentially sensitive medical information is involved, DAMEs may elect to provide a letter to the applicant stating the condition or endorsement, but they must reference the dated letter on the medical certificate. For example, the medical certificate states 'restricted in accordance with CASA/DAME Dr X letter dated ddmmyyyy'.

CASR 67.180(8) states that a medical certificate issued to an applicant who does not meet the relevant medical standard for the issue of the certificate, or to whom subparagraph (2)(f)(ii) applies, must bear a note of that fact. This means that anybody who does not meet the regulatory standard and is assessed under flexibility must have this note on the medical certificate—'Holder does not meet the relevant medical standard'.

DAMEs must offer applicants the opportunity to 'show cause' why a particular restriction may not be applied to their certificate.

DAMEs must provide details of appeal options (reconsiderations, Administrative Appeals Tribunal) to applicants.

Note: It is recommended that DAMEs use the templates provided in MRS for this purpose, modified to suit the individual circumstances.

Updated: 11 April 2022
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//search-centre/manuals-and-handbooks/designated-aviation-medical-examiners-handbook/81-conditions-and-endorsements
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