Rules of conduct for exams

There are rules of conduct that you need to adhere to during exams.

If there is a breach of any of the rules and procedures, we may act.

Role of invigilator

The invigilator is the person supervising the conduct of the exam on our behalf.

Their responsibilities are:

  • carrying out the exam fairly and following the relevant rules and procedures
  • supervising before, during and after the exam until you leave the exam venue
  • asking you to show photographic ID
  • checking your permitted materials before your exam
  • collecting any scribble paper and workbooks after the exam
  • providing the Result Advice and Knowledge Deficiency Report.

The invigilator does not

  • interpret exam questions or instructions
  • search for or provide any required exam material that you have forgotten to bring to the exam.

Role of candidate

The candidate is the person sitting the exam.

You must:

  • respect the rights of other candidates
  • not speak to any person other than the invigilator
  • obey all instructions issued by the invigilator
  • not eat, drink or smoke in the exam room
  • not listen to or use any non permitted electronic devices
  • not behave in any way likely to disturb the work of any other candidates or upset the conduct of the exam
  • sit at a place chosen by the invigilator
  • leave all materials not permitted at the front of the exam room
  • not take any training notes into the exam venue
  • not borrow equipment or materials during the exam.

You must not take a:

  • mobile phone
  • camera
  • laptop
  • electronic notebook
  • programmable watch or any unauthorised equipment or materials into the exam room.

If you take any of this material, you must leave it with the invigilator during the exam.

You can collect it once you have your Result Advice (RA) and Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR) before leaving the exam centre.

You are responsible for bringing all ‘permitted material’ to the exam centre for your exam.

It is not the responsibility of the invigilator to provide this material.

You may, at any time during an exam, raise your hand to attract the invigilator’s attention.

Timing of exams

Once you begin your exam, PEXO will have a clock in the top right-hand corner of the screen showing the time remaining in your exam.

The time will start when the first question appears on the screen.

You must not start the exam until instructed by the invigilator.

PEXO will end the exam when the timer reaches zero.

You can end your exam before this point, but if you do, there is no opportunity to re-start.

Leaving the exam room

You cannot leave the exam room until 1.5 hours has passed since the start of the exam (except in an emergency or under instruction from the invigilator).

If you must leave after 1.5 hours and want to return, someone will supervise you while you are absent from the exam room.

Make use of bathroom facilities before starting an exam.

Exam materials in the exam

You must only use materials, references and documents permitted for the exam.

The invigilator must check your permitted materials, references and documents before the beginning of your exam.

If you have material that is not permitted, you cannot take the exam as this can be cheating.

You must not bring in any working paper or scribble pads.

You must not remove any material given to you including workbook, scribble pad, chart, diagram and graphs.

Complaint handling procedures

You should answer a question even if you think there might be an error in the question.

You must not voice a query or any dissatisfaction aloud in the exam room.

If you are disruptive, the invigilator will ask you to leave the exam room. In this instance your exam may be invalid.

Once you’ve completed your exam, you can send feedback on either:

  • what you consider to be a concern
  • how it may have affected your choice of answer.
Last updated:
3 Nov 2023
Online version available at:
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