Provide feedback after an exam

To help us improve our exams, you can send a post exam report.

Depending on the area and nature of your observation, you can report either to us or to the invigilator.

Issues you need to report to us are:

  • exam fonts
  • graphics
  • post exam comments.

We will consider post exam reports, comments and suggestions free of charge.

This does not include re-assessing an exam but would consider a challenge on an exam question.

You need to send any challenge within 14 days of the date of the exam.

We will process all post exam reports including ones that challenge an exam question regularly with other exam analysis and reviews.

If you have challenged an exam question and haven’t heard from us in 2 weeks, this means we assessed your challenge and it was unsuccessful.

Issues you need to report to the invigilator are:

  • exam venue issues, for example lighting, air-conditioning, noise
  • provided materials
  • how they ran exam sessions
  • exam bookings
  • postponing and cancelling exam sessions.

If the invigilator does not resolved your concerns, you can write to Aspeq with an information copy to us.

Last updated:
8 Sep 2021
Online version available at:
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