Plain English guide for general operating and flight rules

Thumbnail showing front cover of Plain English Guide for new flight operations regulations
Plain English Guide for new flight operations regulations

Our plain English guide makes it as easy as possible to understand the new general operating and flight regulations for all pilots.

The guide sets out the regulatory requirements in a concise, clear easy to read and practical format for both:

  • Part 91 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
  • the associated Manual of Standards.

It contains:

  • all the general operating and flight rules – incorporating any changes we have made such as legal instruments like CASA EX81/21
  • helpful hints explaining what’s expected of you
  • things to consider when complying with the rules
  • an index and other features to help find what you need.

Who will benefit

The guide is primarily intended for general aviation pilots and flying schools. However, all pilots could find it useful as it contains the foundational rules for flight operations.


We encourage feedback, including whether the guide provides:

  • regulatory information in simple, easy-to-read and understandable language
  • a logical structure and format to the information.

You can send your feedback using our contact us form.


Occasionally we need to update content in the plain English guide. If you download a soft copy, it will always have the most up-to-date content.

You can request a version history of amendments through our contact us form.

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