Fatigue risk management system (FRMS) handbook

Cover of Fatigue risk management system handbook
Cover of Fatigue risk management system handbook

The FRMS handbook provides AOC operators or applicants with information on how to proceed to seek an approval of their FRMS.

It should be noted that the responsibility for the development and implementation of an FRMS rests entirely with the applicant.

The handbook also provides structured guidance to staff assigned by CASA to assess an FRMS application.

The handbook is subject to a continuous improvement program involving periodic review. It should be noted the FRMS handbook is intended to facilitate the transitional processes from the existing rules to the new rules. A version of the FRMS handbook will have a limited period of currency and will be amended and/or replaced as required.

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Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//search-centre/manuals-and-handbooks/fatigue-risk-management-system-frms-handbook
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