Design instrument of appointment procedures manual

Cover of design instrument of appointment procedures manual
Cover of design instrument of appointment procedures manual

We may appoint an authorised person for the purposes of the provisions of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulation 1998 (CASR).

The appointed person will be relevant where the expression ‘authorised person’ occurs in:

  • Part 21 of the CASR for design activities
  • the Design Instrument of Appointment Procedures Manual and referred to in an Instrument of Appointment (IOA) issued by CASA.

The conditions in the IOA can vary depending on the regulatory function the authorised person can perform.

The Design Instrument of Appointment Procedures manual outlines the approval process for authorising a person for design.

The Design Instrument of Appointment Procedures Manual includes:

  • Qualifications and experience requirements to be an authorised person for ‘design’
  • The CASA assessment process
  • Procedures manual requirements
  • the process of cancelling an IOA either at the request of the Holder or instigated by us.
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