Certificate of approval handbook

Cover of Certificate of approval handbook
Cover of Certificate of approval handbook

Certificate of approval handbook outlines the requirements for processing an application for a grant of, or change to, a Certificate of Approval (COA).

The handbook also provides:

  • an explanation of the COA issue and change process
  • guidance on the requirements you must meet to get, change and maintain a COA.

The guidance information in this handbook applies to all maintenance organisations.

We provide this handbook for the use of:

  • CASA staff
  • persons or organisations applying for, or holding, a COA.

The handbook aims to establish transparency in our decision‐making processes and is used alongside other documents in the COA manual suite.

Certificate of approval manual suite

The Certificate of Approval Handbook is part of the COA manual suite which includes our:

  • COA process manual — provides a national standard process for the initial issue, variation, renewal and cancellation of a certificate of approval under Civil Aviation Regulation (CAR) 30
  • COA handbook — outlines the criteria and methods we use to assess a certificate of approval
  • Form 019 Certificate of Approval Application — complete this form if you want to apply for or vary a certificate of approval
  • Form 692 Certificate of Approval application for the subsequent issue of a COA without change — complete this form if you need to renew your certificate of approval.
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Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//search-centre/manuals-and-handbooks/certificate-approval-handbook
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