AD documents

Documents based on category and series name.

AD number Document Issue number Effective date Status
2009-0257 Engine - Fuel System, Fuel-to-oil Heat Exchanger (FOHE) - Replacement Active
2009-0187R2 Engine - Front Combustion Liner Head Section - Inspection / Replacement Active
1 Engine - IP Turbine Bearing Oil Vent & Scavenge Tube Active
2 Engine - IP Turbine Bearing Oil Feed Tube Active
3 Engine - HP/IP Turbine Bearing Oil Vent Tubes Active
4 Engine - IP Compressor Shaft - Inspection Active
2012-0201 Engine - High / Intermediate Pressure Turbine Bearing Support Structure - Inspection / Modification Active
2009-0243R3 (Correction 2) Engine - Front Combustion Liner Inner Wall - Inspection Active
2012-0272-CN CANCELLED: Engine - High Pressure Compressor to High Pressure Turbine Joint Bolts - Inspection Cancelled
2013-0042 Engine - High Pressure Compressor Rotor Discs and Rotor Shafts - Inspection / Replacement Active
2013-0155 Engine - High Pressure / Intermediate Pressure Turbine Discs - Identification / Replacement Active
2013-0190 Engine Fuel & Control - Engine Electronic Control - Software Update Active
2014-0031 Engine - Low Pressure Compressor Blades - Inspection / Replacement Active
2015-0105R1 Engine - High / Intermediate Pressure Turbine Bearing Support Oil Feed Tube Sealing Sleeve - Inspection / Replacement Active
2016-0120 Engine Fuel & Control - Low Pressure Fuel Tubes and Clips / Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger Mounts - Inspection / Replacement / Modification Active
2017-0071 Engine - Compressor Intermediate Case - Inspection / Repair Active
2018-0019 Engine - Critical Parts - Reduction of Declared Safe Cyclic Life Urgent
2018-0188R1 Engine - Low Pressure Compressor Blades - Inspection / Replacement Active
2018-0291 Engine - High Pressure Turbine Blades - Replacement Active
2020-0253 Engine - Low Pressure Compressor Blades / Discs - Inspection / Re-lubrication / Restoration Active
2018-0049R2 Engine - Intermediate Pressure Compressor Rotor Shaft and Balance Weights - Inspection / Modification Active
2022-0055 Engine - Intermediate Pressure Compressor Rotor Shaft - Inspection Active
2024-0055-CN CANCELLED: Engine Fuel and Control - Fuel Manifold to Burner Fuel Tube Assembly - Replacement Active
2013-0038-CN CANCELLED: Engine - Air Guide Tube / Phonic Ring - Inspection Cancelled
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