AD documents

Documents based on category and series name.

AD number Document Issue number Effective date Status
91-03-08 Fluorescent Lighting Inverters Active
92-19-12 Crew Oxygen Plumbing and Map Light Wire Protection Active
95-20-03 Outflow/Safety Valve Active
98-06-28 Auxiliary Cabin Heater Wiring Active
99-16-03 Horizontal Stabilizer Anti-Ice System Active
99-23-19 Spoiler Actuators Active
2001-07-11 Main Landing Gear Tyre Active
2004-03-08 Forward Engine Beam Shear Web Active
2005-13-36 Aileron Control Cables Active
2007-04-18 Standby Fuel Pump Annunciators Active
2007-17-17 Engine Firewall Active
2018-19-04 Flap Nose Roller Fitting, Nose Roller Support Bracket and Adjacent Rib Support Structure - Replacement Active
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