AD documents

Documents based on category and series name.

AD number Document Issue number Effective date Status
1 Main Transmission Mounting Bolts 1/2007 Active
2 Main Gearbox Lubrication Pump Vespel Spline Adapters 2/2007 Active
3 Main Gearbox Upper Housing 2/2007 Active
4 Tail Gear Box 2/2007 Active
5 Tail Rotor Pitch Change Bearing Assembly 11/2007 Active
6 Main Gearbox Filter Bowl Assembly Mounting Studs 5/2009 Active
2009-25-10 Main Gearbox Lube System Filter Active
2010-10-03 Main Gearbox Filter Bowl Assembly - Failure of Mounting Studs Active
2010-24-04 MGB Mounting Foot Pads and Foot Ribs Active
2011-12-03 Main Gear Box Upper Housing Assembly NDI Active
2011-16-04 Maximum Rolling Ground Speed Limitation Active
2012-06-24 Tail Rotor Blade - Inspection Active
2012-08-01 Engine - Inaccurate above specification Power Margin Data Active
2012-14-08 MGB Housing Cored Passage Cracking Active
2012-22-09 Tail Rotor Pylon - Inspection Active
2013-19-16 Centre Fire Extinguisher Discharge Tube Active
2014-12-11R1 Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM) Revision Active
2013-06-51 Equipment / Furnishing - Hoist - Inspection / Replacement Active
2015-0013 Fuel - Internal Auxiliary Fuel System - Modification Active
2015-11-10 Main Gearbox (MGB) Oil Loss Active
2016-05-11 Pushrods - Main and Tail Rotor Control - Inspection / Replacement Active
2016-07-01 Main Hydraulic System Active
2016-21-02 Fire Bottle Inertia Switch Active
2016-24-51 Tail Rotor Pitch Change Bearing Urgent
2017-02-51 Tail Rotor Control Systems Urgent
2017-07-09 Tail Gearbox Centre Housing - Removal from Service Urgent
2017-10-10 Installation of Engine Flame Detector Bracket Assembly and Harness Assembly Active
2017-22-01 Flight Control Computer - Rotorcraft Flight Manual Revision - Operating Limitations Urgent
2018-19-09 Landing Gear Components - Inspection / Retirement Lives Active
2019-13-05 Forward Station (STA) 328 or Aft STA 362 Frame Assembly Active
2020-0039 Fire Protection - Hand-held Fire Extinguishers - Replacement Active
2020-16-19 Auxiliary Circuit Breaker Modification Kit Installation / Rotorcraft Flight Manual Supplement Active
2021-08-18 Main and Nose Landing Gear Threaded Hinge Pins and Actuator Pins - Replacement Active
2021-19-17 Martin-Baker Side Facing Utility Seat P/N MBCS12410AA001 Main Back Tube Assembly - Replacement Active
2022-05-10 Goodrich Externally-Mounted Hoist Assemblies Active
2022-11-04 Horizontal Stabilizer Forward Root Fitting - Life Limit Active
2023-09-07 Main Rotor Stationary Swashplate Assembly - Inspection / Replacement Active
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