AD documents

Documents based on category and series name.

AD number Document Issue number Effective date Status
2003-377 Fuselage - Outside Skin above Cabin Window Area - Inspection Active
2006-0305 Wings - Outboard Flap Tracks Forward Support - Replacement / Inspection Active
2007-0031 Fuselage - Fuselage Drain Holes - Inspection / Repair Active
2007-0147-E Steering System Components & Hydraulic Fluid Inspection / Rework Active
2007-0225 Fuselage - Frame of Emergency Exit Door - Modification Active
2009-0211R1 Fuselage - Pressure Bulkhead - Inspection / Reinforcement Active
2009-0212 Electrical Power - Generator Power Cables - Inspection / Repair Active
2009-0228 Fuel - Main and Standby Fuel Pumps - Check / Replacement Active
2010-0123R1 Oil - Engine Oil Dipstick - Inspection / Replacement Active
2010-0124 (Correction) Stabilizers - Hinges Fittings - Inspection / Modification / Replacement Active
2010-0125 Oil - Oil Cooling System Hose - Inspection / Replacement Active
2010-0126 Fuselage - Ceiling Rivets - Replacement Active
2011-0074-E Fuselage - Fuselage Drain Holes - Inspection / Rework / Functional Test Active
2011-0132 Doors - Baggage door - Inspection / Modification Active
2011-0133 Landing Gear - Main Landing Gear Actuator - Replacement / Repair Active
2012-0066 Flight Controls - Main Wing Outboard Flap External Actuators - Modification Active
2012-0095-CN Brakes - Copilot / Pilot Brake Rods - Inspection Active
2013-0085-CN CANCELLED: Nacelles - Inner Panels - Inspection Cancelled
2013-0239 Flight Controls - Elevator and Horizontal Stabilizer - Inspection Active
2013-0242R1 Landing Gears - Steering / Steering Manifold - Functional Check / Modification Active
2014-0013R1 Propellers - Blades - Inspection / Repair Active
2015-0071 Fuselage - Forward Pressurized Bulkhead - Inspection / Reinforcement / Modification Active
2017-0045 Flight Controls - Ailerons, Elevator, Main Wing Inboard Flaps, Forward Wing Flaps - Inspection Urgent
2017-0229 Landing Gear - Nose Landing Gear Steering Manifold - Leak Test, and Aircraft Flight Manual - Amendment Urgent
2019-0144 Aircraft Flight Manual - Amendment; and Ice and Rain Protection - Total Air Temperature Probe Heater / Electrical Circuit - Modification Urgent
2019-0269 Aircraft Flight Manual - Amendment; and Navigation - Flight Environment Data / Altimetry System for RVSM Operations - Modification Active
2021-0104 Fuselage - Skin Panels - Inspections Active
2013-0084R1 Landing Gear - Main Landing Gear Lever Hinge Fitting - Inspection Active
2023-0007 Stabilizers - Horizontal Stabilizer Central Box - Inspection / Repair / Replacement Active
2023-0122R1 Stabilizers - Vertical Stabilizer Assembly - Inspection Active
2024-0006 Main Wing - Lower Skin External Reinforcement Doublers - Inspection Active
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