Operations protocol framework

Our operations protocol framework provides a structure for how we make regulatory decisions in relation to aircraft operations.

The operations protocol framework is made up of multiple protocol document suites, which we use to make consistent decisions on:

  • the assessment of an initial issue or significant change to:
    • Part 42 continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical products (to be developed)
    • Part 119 air operator's certificate
    • Part 131 balloons and hot air airships
    • Part 138 aerial work certificate
    • Part 141 flight training organisation
    • Part 142 flight training organisation (to be developed)
    • Part 145 Continuing airworthiness—Part 145 approved maintenance organisations (to be developed)
  • applications for specific approvals, such as extended diversion time operations (EDTO) or reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM)
  • the suitability and competence of personnel to hold key personnel positions
  • the suitability of an applicant’s exposition/operations manual for the conduct of specific activities, such as the management of continuing airworthiness or the carriage of dangerous goods by air.

Each protocol document suite is drafted in accordance with the criteria in the relevant legislation; it guides the decision-maker in making correct regulatory decisions, from a technical perspective. Part 11 of CASR, the CASA Regulatory Philosophy and broader considerations, including the principles of administrative law, must be applied to all decisions.

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Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//resources-and-education/publications/guidance-material/operations-protocol-framework
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