Part 42 of CASR Exposition - MAAT information

The Part 42 of CASR template in MAAT offers an exposition containing guidance material and sample text. These resources help organisations apply for a continuing airworthiness management organisation (CAMO) approval.

The sample text is suitable for:

  • small or medium size CAMOs
  • CAMOS with a simple organisational structure responsible for managing continuing airworthiness for aircraft authorised to operate under its own Air Operator’s certificate (AOC).

The sample text provided relates to the requirements applicable to a CAMO and include:

  • Part 42
  • Part 42 Manual of Standards (MOS).

It is also a useful starting point for those who have more complex operations.

Using sample text

The sample text is for guidance only. The structure and content of a CAMOs exposition should reflect the unique structures, process, and procedures of the CAMO.

You should expand on the content of each section and sub section according to the complexity of the processes and procedures of the CAMO. The sample text does not cater for the needs of all organisations of varying size and complexity.

The sample text includes mandatory regulatory requirements. It may also include text to illustrate an example of how you may describe a requirement. You can amend the text with details of your specific process, or you can adopt the provided process.

You can include processes and procedure in other documents provided they are referred to in the exposition.

If you do provide processes and procedure in other documents, they now form part of the exposition. This means other documents are subject to the same requirements and controls as the exposition.

Processes and procedures included or referred to in the exposition should be of adequate depth. They must also include enough details to demonstrate they establish compliance with the applicable requirements of Part 42 and the Part 42 MOS.

Duties and responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities of individuals mentioned in the exposition should relate to the obligation of the organisation or the individual under:

  • Part 42
  • Part 42 MOS.

Duties and responsibilities listed in the exposition do not cover:

  • employment conditions
  • performance criteria
  • administrative functions.

There may be content of the exposition where you need to identify the individual responsible for an action or a decision that is part of a process.

Where you need to identify them, you can state either their:

  • position title (such as ‘continuing airworthiness manager’)
  • description of their function (such as ‘airworthiness review employees’ or ‘data entry clerks’) if applicable.

Recording keeping

Where content of the exposition deals with records you need to create or keep for the organisation, the relevant procedures in the exposition should take into account the requirements of Subpart 42.N in relation to:

  • legibility of the record
  • retrieval of records
  • protection of the records from loss, damage or accidental alteration.

Under the exposition, or associated with the processes or procedures required by the exposition, we recommend including as appendices:

  • worksheets
  • checklists
  • forms
  • lists of items and personnel.

You can include these records in other documents that contain the processes and procedures. You may also need to include these in any other document if it is convenient for your organisation to do so.

Last updated:
28 Mar 2023
Online version available at:
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