Boarding with a disability

Airlines typically board a person disability and their carer before other passengers, and suggest they wait until others have left the aeroplane to get off.

Getting on and off the plane

Trained airline staff can help you get to and from your seat if you're not mobile enough to do it yourself. For medium or large planes, this may include using:

  • boarding ramps
  • jet ways
  • mobile lounges
  • lifts.

If these are not available, a lifting device may help you to and from the aeroplane. This shouldn’t be the same device used to load cargo.

Staff should not hand carry you on or off the aeroplane.

If you’ve requested an aisle seat but weren’t given one, ask a flight attendant to swap your seat for another one. If you use a wheelchair, you will need to use an aisle seat to get to your seat.

If you have a connecting flight, airline staff will help you to the new boarding gate. If you're not mobile they must not leave you alone for more than 30 minutes.

Getting to your seat

If you are able to walk to your seat you can, but if you need help, airline staff may use an aisle chair.

Storing your mobility aids

You can put small mobility aids, such as canes, underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead storage lockers.

Larger mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, will travel as checked luggage. These are available at the gate.

See our information for wheelchair and mobility aids.

Asking the cabin crew for help

Cabin crew can help before, during or after the flight lands. Cabin crew may assist with:

  • moving you to and from your seat
  • opening packages and letting you know what is available to eat
  • getting you to and from the aircraft lavatory
  • packing and retrieving mobility aids as carry-on items
  • using specialised equipment, such as upper torso restraints and leg support bridges
  • ensuring you understand everything.

Cabin crew can't:

  • help you eat
  • help you use the toilet
  • give any medical assistance.

You should contact your airline to learn what services are available before you board your flight.

Last updated:
4 Dec 2023
Online version available at:
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