Packing your bags

Make sure you have checked your airline's baggage requirements and:

  • always pack your own bags
  • pack everything you may need during your flight, including medicines, in your carry-on baggage
  • make sure the dimensions and weight of your bags are within your airline's limits
  • make sure you’re not carrying something you shouldn't, like dangerous goods or unsafe batteries and power packs
  • let your airline know if you have any special needs before you get to the airport.

If you need to pack medication or medical equipment, talk to your doctor and the airline. There may be things you need to know or do. Also see our page on passenger clothing and health.

Checked in baggage

Before you go to the airport, check your airline’s checked in baggage policy.

You should:

  • always pack your own bag
  • check the operators checked in baggage policy
  • check the size and weight of your baggage at home
  • check the size and weight of your baggage at the airport, there are usually test units available near check-in.
  • check that you have packed your bag safely

Also check that you haven’t packed any prohibited items. There are some items you can’t take at all, and others that you can only pack in your checked in baggage.

Carry-on baggage limits

Carry-on baggage limits are in place for everyone's safety.

You should always:

  • pack you own bag
  • check with your airline for carry-on size and weight limits
  • check the size and weight of your baggage at home
  • check the size and weight of your baggage at the airport, there are usually test units available near check-in.

Also, keep your baggage with you at all times. Never leave it unattended in the airport terminal.

Dangerous goods

Many common household items are considered dangerous goods and can't be taken on an aeroplane. You must make sure that what you're packing doesn't pose a risk to you and other passengers.

Everyday items that can cause problems include toiletries, aerosols, tools and lithium batteries.

All dangerous goods have a label on the package showing the type of hazard.

If you want to take the goods with you:

  • check your ticket to see if you can take it on the plane
  • check the website of the airline you’re flying with.

You can also contact the airline you’re flying with. Their staff can tell you what you can and can’t carry.

Can I pack that?

Use our Can I pack that? dangerous goods app to work out what you can and can't pack, and how to pack items safely.

Bringing dangerous goods into Australia

You must not bring any restricted dangerous goods into Australia. The Australian Border Force website has a list of prohibited goods.

You can read more about understanding dangerous goods.

Last updated:
4 Dec 2021
Online version available at:
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