Share your feedback on our improved website search features


We’re looking for your feedback to help us improve new search features for our website.

Beta search news

We have released 5 new search functions for all our visitors to test and provide feedback as part of our continuous improvement of the website. You can still use our existing searches to find resources while also using these new pages.

Select the following links to check out the new search pages:

Once you select a link you will be prompted with a pop-up to our survey and will only take you 1-2 minutes to fill out.

We’re encouraging everyone to give the new features a test run and let us know what you think.

Your feedback will be vital in how we improve and refine the ways you access publications, resources, and key regulatory information.

Improving the way you access our resources

Since launching the new website back in December 2021, we have always been looking at ways to enhance and improve important digital features.

We have been working in the background on a range of updated search functions to help you refine your searches. These includes additional filters, design changes and new facets to help users find content easily.

We are actively listening to our stakeholders, industry members and internal staff to add more capabilities and features to our website.

If you have feedback related to other parts of the website, you can contact us using our website enquiries form.

Online version available at:
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