Drone complaints

Use this form to report drone operations you think have broken the drone safety rules.

We will use the information to look into your complaint.

We can't provide you with feedback on your complaint or the outcome.

The information you provide will not be passed on to the drone operator.

We cannot enforce privacy related matters.

Safety breaches can only be investigated where there is sufficient evidence, such as photos or video recordings of the breach and the person controlling the drone at the time.

  • Current The incident
  • Drone operator
  • The drone
  • Supporting evidence
  • About you
  • Review and submit
  • Success
Nature of the Incident

* Indicates a required field

Our remit is aviation safety. We cannot enforce privacy related matters. You may wish to contact either your state police or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

As the safety regulator, the issue of aircraft (drone) noise is not within our responsibility. We recommend you contact the drone operator (if known) or make an aircraft noise complaint to Airservices Australia.

Our remit is aviation safety. Rules to do with wildlife are the responsibility of state wildlife agencies.  
Was anyone injured?
Has the incident been reported to police?
How did you see or find out about the unsafe activity?
I am a direct witness
Are you happy to talk to us about your complaint?

Without your contact details we are unable to contact you for additional information or clarification.

Your details
Preferred method of contact
Their details
Maximum 999 characters

Please submit your report.

Details of the Incident
Where did this incident occur?
e.g park, beach, landmark
Where was the drone being operated from?
Operated from same location as incident.
Published date:
Online version available at: https://www.casa.gov.au//about-us/contact-us/drone-complaints
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